Saturday, November 24, 2012

Buildables: Headboard Turned Wall Art

Our basement is a typical basement with very few windows and large wall spaces with nothing on them.  I wanted something light and airy, yet large enough to fill a fairly large wall, all on a small budget.  I saw the "Squared 2 headboard (queen) plan" at Ana White and thought I could make it into a statement piece for the wall.  I followed the plan exactly as written for the upper portion of the headboard (other than screwing two 1x2s together to make the 2x2s because I couldn't find any 2x2s that were square), used my Kreg Jig to join the boards from the back side (against the wall), primed and spray painted and hung all 2-3 pounds of it on the wall with two "picture" hangers.  Overall it was quite easy!

The headboard turned wall art costed around $30 total, and I believe I finished it in the same weekend (completed it over a year ago and it's still hanging in the basement!).  I recommend laying it out on the floor like a puzzle prior to assembling to see how well pieces are fitting and what parts may be easiest to put together first.  The cuts were a little time consuming, as was connecting the pieces together, but I think it was well worth it!

You can see my "Brag Post" on Ana's website here. I may or may not have had a minor heart attack when Ana herself commented on this build.  Doesn't even matter to me that not a single other sole commented on it.  

Speaking of comments, feel free to leave a comment below! I would love to learn a little about who is visiting the blog!

You may recognize the pillow in the center of the couch from this post.  

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